Getting it
A good frustration-fighting quote from my daughter's blog, I think its important to remember that learning [...] doesn't take place when the "change" happens...Learning...
View ArticleConstruction enfants à mieux, Edition Vocabulaire
Great article on the value of vocabulary: It is beyond me how anybody could doubt the importance of vocabulary,...
View ArticlePlus de 300.000 utilisateurs
Less than 10 months after the launch of our revised site we crossed the 300,000 user mark. Free tutoring, our Vocabulary Junction campaign and the launch of the free Open Dictionary of English caused...
View ArticleInternational English: Au-delà anglais britannique et américain
International English: Interesting blog post by Richard Flynn of fame "The status of English as an international language is long established and, for the foreseeable future, unlikely...
View ArticleVerbal Easter Egg Hunt – Comment les écoles peuvent enseigner le vocabulaire
Nous avons beaucoup de membres qui se préparent à la National Spelling Bee, alors cet article sur un bol de vocabulaire détenu par IB … Continuer la lecture →The post Verbal Easter Egg Hunt – Comment...
View ArticleNouvelle orthographe règle d'abeille Nécessite concurrents Sachez sens des mots
Il fera le Scripps National Spelling Bee difficile, mais aussi beaucoup plus significative. … Continuer la lecture →The post Nouvelle orthographe règle d'abeille Nécessite concurrents Sachez sens des...
View ArticlePourquoi les Américains indien règle générale, la National Spelling Bee
Au cours des dernières décennies, les Américains indiens ont été meilleurs élèves d'autres groupes ethniques à la National Spelling Bee. … Continuer la lecture →The post Pourquoi les Américains indien...
View ArticleL'histoire de l'Spelling Bee
With this year's finals around the corner (Thursday, 5/30, 8 pm EST), here some history of the spelling bee. The good ol' spelling bee, it seems, is an American tradition older than even American...
View ArticleGagnez des cadeaux étudiant
At LearnThatWord, members can gain much more than knowledge. Congratulations to this year's prize winners! Ticket #35924 won the first prize, a dream vacation at the Playa Viva beach resort in Mexico....
View ArticleÀ partir école ensemble, mais pas identiques
Superintendent of Public Instruction in Washington state, Randy Dorn: "We've seen the numbers: A child [that comes] from a wealthy family has about a 3,600 words vocabulary. From a working family, it's...
View ArticleLes mots sont les devises de la vie
"Si vous voulez être riche, vous devez avoir le vocabulaire d'un homme riche. The post Les mots sont les devises de la vie appeared first on LearnThatWord.
View ArticleDate a girl who reads…
Someone sent this to me. Enjoy: Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes, who has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who...
View ArticleOver 300,000 users
Less than 10 months after the launch of our revised site we crossed the 300,000 user mark. Free tutoring, our Vocabulary Junction campaign and the launch of the free Open Dictionary of English caused...
View ArticleInternational English: Going beyond UK and US English
International English: Interesting blog post by Richard Flynn of fame "The status of English as an international language is long established and, for the foreseeable future, unlikely...
View ArticleVerbal Easter Egg Hunt – How Schools Can Teach Vocabulary
We have a lot of members who prepare for the National Spelling Bee, so this article about a Vocabulary Bowl held by I.B. Tigrett Middle School in Jackson, Tennessee, was brought to our attention:...
View ArticleNew Spelling Bee Rule Requires Contestants Know Meaning of Words
It will make the Scripps National Spelling Bee harder, but also much more meaningful. The thousands of Spelling Bee hopefuls who use LearnThatWord will have an easy time with this, since we already...
View ArticleWhy Indian Americans rule the National Spelling Bee
Over the last few decades, Indian Americans have been outshining other ethnicities at the National Spelling Bee. Why is a population that makes up roughly 1% of the US population so heavily represented...
View ArticleThe History of the Spelling Bee
With this year's finals around the corner (Thursday, 5/30, 8 pm EST), here some history of the spelling bee. The good ol' spelling bee, it seems, is an American tradition older than even American...
View ArticleWin prizes studying
At LearnThatWord, members can gain much more than knowledge. Congratulations to this year's prize winners! Ticket #35924 won the first prize, a dream vacation at the Playa Viva beach resort in Mexico....
View ArticleStarting School Together, But Not Equal
Superintendent of Public Instruction in Washington state, Randy Dorn: "We've seen the numbers: A child [that comes] from a wealthy family has about a 3,600 words vocabulary. From a working family, it's...
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